In the Wheel of the Year, the time from Samhain (31 October) to Beltane (1 May) is considered the dark half of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere during this time we see daylight hours dip to their shortest in the whole of the year on the Winter Solstice (21 December- also known as Yule or Midwinter). This is a time for introspection, rest and surrender - a time for Wintering. Easier said than done when one of the most extroverted and gregarious time of year is forced upon anyone who opens their curtains, with the hype of the festive season and pressure to have a jolly good time. In 2020 I wrote a poem to reflect my feelings about this which you can view here. If you too feel compelled to take a leaf out of nature's book this year and slow down in the weeks leading up to Yule, I'd love to hear how you're prioritising rest in the comments below.